Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chuckles & Mr. Squeezy-Dredg

I'm going to start this off with an extended rant. Bands grow. Musicians grow. People grow. Just because a band doesn't put out an album that is congruent with their past releases DOES NOT mean that it is a bad album. I'm really really disappointed with the lack of respect the musical community has given dredg upon releasing their fifth studio album "Chuckles & Mr. Squeezy" . I have read things such as "bland", "losing their rock edge", and most notably "what in God's name happened?"

Come on people! What would happen if bands didn't stir the pot and come out with a left of center album every once in a while? We'd be stuck with a predictable community of bands that put out the same meaningless bullshit year after year just to satisfy our need for something that is familiar and we can listen to without being scared of what comes next.

If there's anyone that I thought would understand this; it was the seemingly faithful community of dredg listeners. I mean, seriously, the band has not put out 2 albums that sound remotely the same. Each EP, LP, Album, and anything recorded is realistically but also radically different from what was released last. "The Pariah, The Parrot, and the Delusion" (2007) proved to be a large departure from what they had accomplished previously; as well as a huge step towards what was to come in the future (i.e. chuckles)

Does anyone remember a little band called The Beatles? Or a small outfit called Radiohead? Or maybe for you music geeks out there some band named Muse? These bands are defined by reinventing themselves! They have not put out any recording that was not revolutionary or radicaly different from what came before.

So I invite and challenge all of you to just take a retrospective look at what music means to you. To me, It is evolution. It is progression. It is about putting out a product that is both challenging to the artists' and the listeners' ears, and is also fun for the artist to play/produce, and listener to evaluate.

With that said, let's all take a step back and listen to our favorite artists' new album with objective ears, and be sensitive to what the artists' growth and musical exploration really means.

In my case, this is dredg's latest release.

Upon first listening, it is without an album that is sparse on guitar, heavy on synthesized beats, and bleeding with singer Gavin Hayes' relatable lyrics describing past love interests and less notably his perceptions on society. HOWEVER, it as an album that without a doubt keeps you interested from beginning to end. From the opener "Another Tribe" which is strangely (as well as pleasantly) reminiscent of coolio's "gangster's paradise" to the mid-album track "Somebody is Laughing", that is tinged with sitar riffs, digitized drums, and beautifully layered vocals; the album proves to be one that is both infinitely catchy and one that leaves you analyzing what they did to leave these songs stuck in your head.

With Dan the Automator (Gorillaz-2001, Head Automatica-2004) at the helm both producing and taking an active part in songwriting on the album, it is without a doubt a departure from what the band has released with its previous efforts.

All of that said, "Chuckles & Mr. Squeezy" is (for open ears) an album that is simply incredible. It fuses almost every musical genre I can muster my poor brain to think up plus a thousand more. It is without a doubt a true music appreciator's source for something new and inviting.

Please check it out and support progressive and GOOD music!

Official Website: http://dredg.com/

Notable songs/videos:

Ode To the Sun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHWw9K7iCH8

Information: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYexhc0MqQQ

Catch Without Arms (live): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APAJ0TRhFoM


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